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Available Services


  • Pure Breed

  • Mixed Breed

  • Novelty Hybrids

  • Gender

  • Season 

If you are thinking about adding a puppy or dog into your life and you are doing this type of research you are already above average. You are thinking about what the proper breed or mix of breeds might be because the way it looks and how the breed’s traits fit in with your life style. You are also considering which gender might be most suitable and maybe even what time of year might provide your best and most convenient opportunities of successful training. You’re probably also considering how grooming might be in your future and whether or not you might manage it yourself or pay someone to take care of that need. You are contemplating where is the best place to adopt a puppy from? Do I go to a reputable breeder? How do I find a reputable breeder? Do I adopt from a shelter? Do I consider adopting from a rescue league? These are all valid questions and although a definitive answer is not always possible, your decision making would benefit greatly from my decades of experience.




  • Pack principles in the home

  • Respect for family

  • Leash and collar training

  • Introduction to grooming

  • Housebreaking or Paper Training

  • Destructive chewing prevention


The concept of beginning your puppy’s training as soon as they get home is as natural and sensible as teaching your children to say please and thank you as soon as they can speak or to brush their teeth while standing on a step stool because they are too little to reach the sink. You invest the time and energy because you love them, want them to be good citizens and worthwhile members of the community. Likewise for our puppies.

When I started training dogs in 1971 the common knowledge was that you waited until your puppy was six months old to get them trained. This was true because professional training at that time was done at a kennel where you boarded your dog for two or three weeks of training and the law required dogs to be fully vaccinated in order to board and a dog needed to be six months old before they got their final vaccine for rabies. About a year later while living in Florida I got into some dog training there where they were doing “In Home Dog Training”. This meant not having to wait for a rabies vaccine at six months to get you dog professionally trained. After a year in Florida I returned to NYC and offered in home training as an option and it wasn’t long before many other trainers jumped on the in home wagon.


Typically consist of:

  • Heel

  • Sit

  • Stay

  • Down

  • Come

  • Respect for a correction word

  • Response to the “Okay”


Obedience training may be customized to better suit the needs and/or desires of the family and circumstances. Your dog can be one that your guest look forward to seeing when they visit you or the reason no one wants to visit you. The dog your friends make sure is also coming when you visit them or the one they want to be sure doesn’t. The choice is yours and good training is often the difference.


  • Teach your dog basic obedience in challenging circumstances

  • "Off leash" obedience in real world situations

  • Reliable "Stay" even when distracted and tempted.


These are typically overlooked or mismanaged puppy (or new dog) issues like:

  • Establishing or reestablishing respect for family members

  • Pulling on leash

  • Housebreaking

  • Destructive chewing

  • Unwanted aggression towards

    • People

    • Dogs

    • When on leash

    • In home

    • In car


  • Personal protection

  • Home guardian

  • Business protection

  • Canine security teams


  • Therapy dog

  • Canine good citizen

  • Search and Rescue

  • Detection

  • Special needs

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